Shop Calendar

Thursday, February 24, 2011

FEB 24

Here are the pictures of our March classes!

Raindrops Socks, Herringbone Cowl, Nalu Mitts, Cozy Flap Hat

Seventeen years ago today, my father died.. After 42 years working as an electrician and mechanic in the mines, he retired. In the summer he was busy mowing grass and gardening, but when cold weather arrived he was at a loss. You can only read so many hours a day, so he began to crochet afghans. He had learned to crochet watching his mom when he was little. His first efforts were fairly simple but he progressed to more complicated stitches, afghan stitch with cross stitched designs and lace. I recall during a particularly harsh winter, our watching "Roots" while I knitted and he crocheted.
All these years later his afghans continue to warm and comfort me, my children, and my cousins.
" What is made by the hands comes from the soul"
As you check out our calendar and projects and plan your knitted gifts remember how your knitting comforts your loved ones. Diana

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